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FORGIVEN - By: Malinia McNeill Woods

So many times we make mistakes, sometimes purposely. So many days we say we are done hiding sin so deliberately. We sit in darkness doing things that we know we should not do. We close the blinds to our windows and our eyes hoping no one will notice what's true. We convince ourselves that it's all good by saying God knows our heart. God knows indeed so we all need to repent and go back to the start. We can start again, this time we can win the war within ourselves. We don't have to hide all the pain inside we just need to ask God for help. Help us Lord to cast out sin in each moment of our day. Keep us Lord as we begin again and focus on the better way. Change us Lord to align our lives with the image that You made. Cleanse us Lord and make us whole so that we can truly say; That we are the chosen generation, a royal priesthood a holy nation. That we live each day giving You glory and praise regardless of the situation. That we commit our lives and always decide to meditate on Your word day and night. To finally be for all the world to see full of Your holy spirit and light.


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