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The Promises of God

It's easy to get so wrapped up in our daily issues that we forget that God is in control and things happen in His own timing. That timing may seem to take longer than we prefer and sometimes we get discouraged. Sometimes we begin to doubt that we even heard from God in the beginning. We begin to second guess ourselves and we convince ourselves that we are not worthy of the things our heart desires. The doubt that we begin to feel is re-enforced by the negative things that we hear from those who want us to fail, the snide comments from the peanut gallery sitting in judgement and even the cutting words of those who we expect to be in our corner supporting our dreams and aspirations. We must not allow any of these situations to cause us to give up or give in. Remember that the promises of God are yes and amen. That means that anything God promised must come to pass. Stay the course and in due season all that God promised will manifest. In the meantime, give God praise, glory and honor and remember His promises to you.


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